Spirituality for the 21st Century

A Spiritual Revolution

Since 1888

Divine Science was first taught in 1888 by Malinda E. Cramer. It is a spiritual faith as well as a practical Science that teaches we are all sacred beings, made in the "image and likeness" of our Creator, who is continually present everywhere, including within us. It is all Good and only Good. As children of this One Divine Creator, we are all connected to  it - and to each other. By living our lives in accordance with this Truth, and all that expresses from it, we are sure to lead more happy and fulfilled lives. 


Divine Science

Statement of Being

God is all, both invisible and visible.
One Presence, One Mind, One Power is all.
This One that is all is perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.
We are the individualized expression of God and ever one with this
perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.

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